Continuing the Fight for Gender Equality
March is Women’s History Month, and a good time to reflect on the significant strides women have made towards equality while also planning for what lies ahead.
More than 100 years after the ratification of Women’s Suffrage–a tipping point in paving the way for the monumental progress we’ve seen–organizations that support key women’s issues continue to grow in ways that inspire us all. The fight for equal rights continues, however, making the need for these organizations even more essential. New stories appear daily about the ongoing challenges to women’s autonomy all over the country. It’s imperative, now more than ever, to work to protect the progress we have made thus far in our fight for gender equity.
For example, the recent ruling by Alabama’s Supreme Court, classifying frozen embryos as children and threatening those who destroy them, is something that should concern us all. Not only does this set another precedent for undermining women’s reproductive freedom, but it also adds to the mounting obstacles women face in accessing essential healthcare services.
Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth also recently acknowledged the threat posed to reproductive justice. She introduced the Access to Family Building Act in Congress, aiming to create federal protections for IVF access nationwide, overriding state limits and protecting the rights of women everywhere. Sen. Duckworth said, “They aren’t just going to stop in Alabama. Mark my words, if we don’t act now, it will only get worse.”
The increasing trend of politicizing women and transgender individuals’ bodies and healthcare have been used as tools to advance narrow agendas. We continue to see alarming legislation in many states’ legislatures that would block critical medical care and take away life-saving health care decisions from women, their doctors, and their families and, instead, putting it in the hands of the government.
The targeting of transgender individuals’ access to critical gender-affirming medical care by politicians represents a dangerous intrusion into personal healthcare decisions and disregards the recommendations of medical experts. International Transgender Day of Visibility is later this month on March 31st and as we celebrate transgender people, we must also raise awareness of discrimination they face.
In light of these challenges, women’s rights organizations play a crucial role in providing support and advocating for policies that promote gender equality and reproductive justice. Despite their invaluable contributions, however, these organizations often face chronic underfunding. When CFW started nearly 40 years ago, we were one of only seven organizations in the country solely dedicated to funding women’s organizations. According to the fifth annual Women & Girls Index from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute, nationally, women’s and girls’ causes received $8.8 billion in philanthropic support in 2020. But that was only 1.81 percent of total charitable giving. Clearly, we need to catch up. CFW funds hundreds of organizations doing work across the Chicagoland area to fight for a world in which all women, girls, trans, and gender nonbinary people can thrive in safe, just and healthy communities. The need is greater than our capacity to respond.
We have many grantee partners that are doing the work to advocate for gender equality. Just to highlight a few, Mikva Challenge, holds in their philosophy that “democracy is a verb that you learn by doing”. They’re developing youth to be empowered, informed, and active citizens who will promote a just and equitable society moving forward. One of our other grantee partners, BA NIA is a comprehensive reproductive rights organization working to educate, encourage, and advocate for women of color to become informed about their reproductive health. Being educated about and engaged in civic life is key to progress. When we’re educated on the world around us, we are better able to stand up for our rights. As we look to the future, it’s imperative that we stand together in solidarity to defend women’s rights and work towards building a more just and equitable society for all.
Please keep up with what happens not only in Illinois, but across the country in the fight for gender equity, to make informed voting decisions. And please consider making a donation to CFW and to women’s organizations working to uphold the rights and dignity of women and girls, transgender and non-binary individuals everywhere.
Hope to see you at the IMPACT AWARDS on March 20th! Check our website for information about the inspiring women whose work gives us all hope.
Together we will persist,
Sunny Fischer
CFW’s co-founder, and interim President & CEO

CFW's 2024 Impact Awards

Join us next Wednesday, on March 20th at the Harold Washington’s Winter Library. This year’s honorees are fierce activists, changemakers, and storytellers whose work focuses on critical issues such as violence against women, access to healthcare and economic security. There will be an awards ceremony and cocktail reception for honorees and guests to recognize their commitment to improving the lives of women and girls by fighting for fundamental rights and equal opportunities. Register today here.
YWGC Feminist Night Out Comedy Show

Save the date for the third Young Women’s Giving Council Feminist Night Out comedy night at Dorothy (2500 W. Chicago Ave). Don’t miss this night of comedy for good with local comedians and door prizes at an incredible lesbian-owned lounge!
Our News
CFW is hiring!

We are seeking candidates for the following open positions:
The President & CEO role at CFW represents the opportunity to engage the hearts and minds of staff, to knit together a cohesive and motivated staff team, and to build a culture aligned with the mission and values of CFW. CFW seeks a leader whose commitment to the mission allows them to create a stronger, larger, even more influential foundation, to fundraise fearlessly, and to have the skills to steward donors and investments. The CEO will also have the opportunity to connect at both the intellectual and emotional levels with motivated donors to create change for women and girls throughout the community.
The Manager of Communications is responsible for promoting the Foundation through community and media outreach, marketing, online communications and public relations. This position includes creating informative content, project management and implementation; intensive writing and editing on deadline; aggressive media outreach and story placement; interagency collaboration; public relations and speechwriting for Foundation events; production of all Foundation marketing materials and videos; and general communications.
The Bookkeeper (part-time) will prepare and maintain financial records to track the organization’s assets, liabilities, profit and loss, and other related financial activities.
Find the full job descriptions here.
We are seeking candidates for the following open positions:
The President & CEO role at CFW represents the opportunity to engage the hearts and minds of staff, to knit together a cohesive and motivated staff team, and to build a culture aligned with the mission and values of CFW. CFW seeks a leader whose commitment to the mission allows them to create a stronger, larger, even more influential foundation, to fundraise fearlessly, and to have the skills to steward donors and investments. The CEO will also have the opportunity to connect at both the intellectual and emotional levels with motivated donors to create change for women and girls throughout the community.
The Manager of Communications is responsible for promoting the Foundation through community and media outreach, marketing, online communications and public relations. This position includes creating informative content, project management and implementation; intensive writing and editing on deadline; aggressive media outreach and story placement; interagency collaboration; public relations and speechwriting for Foundation events; production of all Foundation marketing materials and videos; and general communications.
The Bookkeeper (part-time) will prepare and maintain financial records to track the organization’s assets, liabilities, profit and loss, and other related financial activities.
Find the full job descriptions here.
Our Community

The Allstate’s Foundation’s Nonprofit Leadership Center’s Online Program
Nonprofit Management Essentials provides nonprofit professionals access to online trainings instructed by top-caliber faculty. It’s available year-round and in three formats to meet individual needs and experiences.Register by April 2nd for the next 8-week online training program.To register, visit here.
Girl Forward is hiring!
GirlForward is seeking a new Executive Director to lead GirlForward into its next chapter.The new ED will be responsible for driving GirlForward’s continued success, continuing to develop a talented team of professionals, nurturing a collaborative mission-centered culture, and ensuring high quality programming, while leading the organization on a path that is aligned with our mission and centers the experiences of the young people we serve. To learn more visit here.
Mujeres Latinas En Accion is hiring!
Mujeres Latinas En Accion is seeking a Senior Grants Compliance Manager! This person needs to be a strong writer (a writing sample might be requested). This position will assist in managing, budgeting, allocation, and reporting of approximately $3.5 million in revenue, from approximately 20 government funding streams, as well as advising on private funding initiatives. To learn more visit here.
COFI is hiring!
COFI is looking for experienced organizers for a range of positions. At least 2 years of organizing experience is required, and COFI is particularly looking for staff with 3-5 years of organizing experience. To learn more visit here.
Arise is hiring!
Arise is hiring for a Director of Development! Arise seeks a candidate who aligns with their mission, produces excellent work, and values and contributes to a collaborative workplace culture. To learn more visit here.
Community Resources
Support Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
Search by various criteria the City of Chicago minority and women-owned businesses here.
Bossy Chicago has curated a list of women-owned businesses in various sectors across Chicago, which you can find here.
YShop – YWCA Metro Chicago’s online store, offering a curated selection of goods and services with a portion of each sale benefiting YWCA
Mental Health Resources
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has compiled a list of mental health resources you can find here.
2-1-1 Metro Chicago Hotline
211 Metro Chicago is a free resource connecting all Cook County residents with essential health and social services to help them meet their basic needs. Trained, local specialists are available 24/7 to connect individuals with the support they need, such as food, housing, utility assistance, access to health care, and other vital resources. Learn more here.